Katie Read.
Operations Manager.
Our go-to girl and the one keeping us all in check, Katie is as brilliant with people as she is with organising team GEL!
Managing clients, workloads, enquiries and more, as well as being a fantastic Mum to three beautiful children - there really isn't much that Katie can't handle!
She loves a fancy coffee as much as a good list. It’s not uncommon to find her humming along to the Spice Girls, whilst re-writing her latest to-do list on a clean page of her notepad (a notepad which - by the way - is strictly off limits to the rest of the team for reasons we’re still unsure of).
But to top it all off, she’s one of the loveliest, kindest people you’ll ever meet, who leaves a little bit of sparkle where ever she goes.
An insight to Katie, by Carly.
Why would you want to write on my nice, crisp, clean sheet? That's like me wanting to add a pop up box to a page that's not in the plan!
My favourite has to be Sporty Spice, the front flips, the 6 pack but most of all - the Adidas poppers!!!
The thing I enjoy most is you Carly, obviously haha! The reason I love being at GEL is the team I work with above everything - my work family x