Acai and Co. approached us at the very start of their journey. They are UK based importers of acai - a berry found in the Amazon. They're super-healthy and are used in various smoothy bowls. It's something that has become very popular in Australia and USA, and they wanted to bring the trend to the UK.
There were a couple of other UK based importers, so it was important that Acai & Co stood out from the crowd, looking cool and current. We created an eye-catching bowl graphic for their brand, with a strong positive colour and a clean geometric slab-serif font to complement the artistic graphic style.
Their striking logo combination worked so amazingly well in reverse; it gave Acai & Co. the option to produce two versions of their complimentary take-away bowls. A perfect advertising opportunity for growing their food trend.
A marriage of delicious imagery shot by local photographers Ottr Works, clean lines and clever tints was the key to success for their recipe booklet. And tucking this gem inside every shipped order, packed full of helpful hints, tips and recipes was the ideal way to make each customers’ experience special.
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