Nikki Nocky Noo.

How we helped.

We wanted to create a fun, yet charming brand for this organic baby clothing boutique. All the graphical elements of the logo and brand are illustrated by hand, in a style that compliments the products offered. They also lend themselves perfectly for use on printed and digital items. The bespoke e-commerce website is built in MODX, with detailed filter functionality, sale and promo code logic, and an easy to use basket and checkout process.

Services used.

Nikki Nocky Noo postcard
Nikki Nocky Noo website
Nikki Nocky Noo business card

"A really hard-working professional team."

GEL designed and developed my website earlier this year. As I result I have a fab looking responsive website. Since the launch, I've had contacted them since countless times with things I haven't understood So, it was never a case of 'here's your website - bye bye"

A really hard-working professional team and responsive out of hours as well. Would highly recommend them. Especially when they invite you in and make you tea!

Fran Lyons
(Nikki Nocky Noo)

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We kindly request that our contact form is not used for unsolicited sales emails.

01793 677150

Unit 2, 3 Lancaster Place,
South Marston Park, Swindon, SN3 4UQ