A talk with the Swindon Liberal Democrats Representative.

18 November 2019
Read time: 2 mins

GEL Studios

Written by:
GEL Studios.

This afternoon we welcomed into the office Katie Critchlow, Swindon representative for the Liberal Democrats.

Graeme and Katie discussed many topics including the state of the digital economy, growing startups, attracting talent to Swindon, and potential regulations to keep businesses safe in our digital world.

Digital Economy.

Digital is important - right? Right! We spoke about how important digital influence is in many business sectors - including retail, including the recent publication that the Swindon Town Centre was voted as the 5th most effected high streets in the UK.

Talking about adopting change, we spoke about how typical retail business is too slow to adapt, and Graeme spoke about how super markets levy technology to automat their stock levels based upon weather data at key points of the year. Adoption of automation, and data driven decisions could help!

Growing Startups & Attracting talent to Swindon.

Swindon has the carriage works, Bristol has the engine shed - speaking about the difference between the two, and the spring board that Bristol University provides start ups in Bristol, we discussed how its hard retaining talent in Swindon, when Bristol is one direction, and London is in the other.

We spoke about the Switch On To Swindon Initiate "Tech Swindon", and how we were collectively looking forward to what it may bring to Swindon in the coming years.

Regulations upon the digital/creative industry.

Graeme raised awareness that there is no governing body/guild for the digital section in terms of creativity - and spoke in detail about many of the cases GEL Studios has had to help clients based upon previous bad experiences with other creatives/freelancers leaving their businesses venerable.

He explained that even if there was regulation enforced, and compliance that agencies Creatives had to adhere to, that it wouldn't harm the flow of new talent into the sector.

Many established agencies understand very early on that bringing in new talent is important for two reasons, the first, keeping a design portfolio that is fresh, and modern, and second, its our responsibility as established creative professionals to assist in the nurture of new and up coming talent. This was every close to home, due to this week we celebrated our Junior Designer Elisha's first year with the business.

GEL Studios

Written by:
GEL Studios.

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