Ways your website is driving customers away.

1 December 2021
Read time: 6 mins

Written by:
Elisha Elliott.

The main purpose of a website is to drive your audience to one location to complete an action. That could be to find out information, to make a purchase or to sign up for a service.

Once you've driven your audience to your website though, how do you make sure that they complete your desired action?

Below I've listed a few reasons why your website isn't converting and ways you can fix it.

Your pages are too slow to load.

Page speed refers to how quickly pages on your website load. A slow-loading webpage will affect your user experience (UX), leaving people frustrated and wanting to leave your website. Google also looks at your site speed - the quicker your website responds, the higher you're likely to be in the search engine results page ranking.

There are various factors that can affect the speed your pages loading speed:

Your forms and checkout process is too long.

Your customers will get frustrated if they are asked to fill out endless amounts of details in web forms. Whether they're filling out an enquiry form or purchasing a product, there are a few things that you can do to make it a much smoother process.

There are pop-ups everywhere.

When used in the right way, a pop-up can improve the user experience and give your visitor access to extra content that could benefit them. However, popups can also lead to users leaving your website, mainly when they display automatically without invitation by the user, like a 'sign up to our mailing list' popup. Keep in mind:

The user journey is confusing.

A user journey relates to a path someone takes through a website to achieve the end goal. If the journey is too long or complicated, a user may never actually find the content they need. The best way to prevent this is to invest time with your website designer to explore what information your target audience needs to know and build the most efficient way to get them to their end goal.

It's not responsive.

Mobile usage has been on the rise for a long time, especially over the past two years when browsing in actual shops has changed. If your website isn't mobile responsive, then you're missing out on valuable customers. Scaling, pinching and zooming just to access unreadable content is too much effort these days. A good website designer should have this covered and if they haven't, then maybe it's time to look for a better designer. We know a few.

You set your videos to auto-play.

There's probably been a time when you've been casually browsing a page, then out of nowhere, loud music or an advert begins to play. You frantically close tabs in a hurry to stop it and it turns out to be an auto-playing video. Annoying, right?

We know that videos are engaging content and often grab the attention of a user much quicker than a block of text, so we'd never recommend removing them entirely. What we would recommend though, is giving your user the power to control whether they would like to play the video or not.

There are no calls to action (CTA).

In most cases, a website's aim is to navigate the user somewhere in order to carry out a specific action. If the call to actions aren't enticing or are unclear, you can say bye-bye to that potential conversion.

We're experts in all things web.

Whether you're looking for a website design agency to build you a brand new website or you just want an informal chat about how to improve your existing site, why not get in touch with us. All of our website solutions are completely bespoke, so we can provide you with exactly what you need.

Written by:
Elisha Elliott.

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