GEL Studios Live – Episode 1

11 December 2023
Read time: 1 min

GEL Studios

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GEL Studios.

We’re delighted to launch our new monthly conversational series which will provide the opportunity for you to join members of our team and special guests each month as they delve into a variety of subjects in light-hearted, fireside-chat style productions.

Each episode will usually be live, but this first episode has been recorded “as live” which still means that it is not scripted or edited and has a more natural and engaging tone. Future episodes will be broadcast live, which then also enables viewers to type questions or provide comments/input while watching the live broadcast on either YouTube or Facebook. These comments or questions will be put up on the screen (with your profile photo and name) and responded to by the episode’s guests/hosts to make it immersive and interactive.

In this first episode, host Chris Dawes (from Visual PR) will be joined by our Founder, Graeme Leighfield, and our Creative Director, Carly Smith, to launch the new series and discuss what can be expected in future episodes. But the main topic of conversation this time is the history, growth, and challenges of GEL Studios since its conception some 10 years ago.

GEL Studios

Written by:
GEL Studios.

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