Making a splash with Jazz Carlin.

25 March 2020
Read time: 2 mins

Written by:
Katie Read.

Here at GEL Studios, we dived into March with the exciting launch of Olympic Silver medallist Jazz Carlin's new brand and website, Swim with Jazz.

Jazz approached us with a burning passion to share the wealth of knowledge, advice and skills that she had gained over the years, with the world. Although she might not be a professional swimmer any longer, Jazz still loves the water so alongside her role as an athlete mentor for Swim Wales, she wanted to find a way to teach and mentor a wider audience and put the fun back into swimming.

To help bring the vision to life, we started with her brand, taking Jazz's signature diving position and creating an exciting new logo. We then brought this literally to life with an animated version - you definitely can't get much more personalised than this! The bright blue gradient used throughout can only mean one thing - water. The brand grew quickly with a multitude of elements including banners and training plans, not forgetting of course the personalised swimming caps, so you can stand out on those diving blocks.

The website solution we provided Jazz; a bespoke design and platform to give users access to all the tools they could ever need to improve their swimming. Swim specific videos, nutritional advice and the opportunity to have uniquely tailored training plans created by Jazz herself, are just some of the goodies available to access, once you sign up of course.

You can head over and take a look at our portfolio entry to see exactly how we launched Jazz's brand off the starting blocks. We bet you can't wait to jump right in.

Written by:
Katie Read.

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